Baptizing Older Children

What is the Procedure for Baptizing Older Children?

For children up to the age of six:  Parents simply enroll for baptism and it is celebrated on a regular schedule.  The process is exactly the same if the child is six months or six years.

If a child is seven to twelve years old:  There is a process offered over eight weeks to prepare children in this age group for baptism. This program runs in the fall and the spring after the 10 am mass and involves the child and the parent attending sessions of preparation.
If a child is thirteen to seventeen:  We offer a summer program which leads to baptism at the end of the summer.  

For both these program full attendance is essential. Anyone wishing to discuss these programs further should call St. Mary’s Parish.

If eighteen or older: Approach the parish about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).  Adults of all ages are welcome in this process.

St. Mary’s Church, Barrie