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Head Lice
Published on Jan 16, 2019 14:31

This time of year there seems to be an increase in  pediculosis (aka as Head Lice).  This problem can occur in ANY household. Head lice actually occurs more often in clean hair - cleanliness and head lice have nothing in common.  

We are requesting parents/guardians to check their child(ren)’s heads on a regular basis.  If you find your child has head lice, please contact the school and advise that your child has head lice. This information will be kept confidential.

We can not stress enough the necessity of making sure your child is clear of all nits.  

The nits can attach to hair and remain there until they are pulled free. If you find your child has contracted head lice, it is necessary for you to go through your child’s hair and pull any nits or live creatures. After treatment, children's heads must be thoroughly checked and all nits pulled from the hair.  

Your child can return to school once you are sure they are free and clear.